This picture was taken on December 20, 2007. Tim and I had to do the belly bump to see who was bigger. At the time I just didn't understand why everyone thought I was so big! Now I see why. After work on January 2, 2008, Tim and I decided to go to the hospital for a stress test. They ended up keeping me at the hospital because my contractions were get

ting stronger and I was dilating. At 9:40 pm, my doctor came in and told me they were taking me in for a c-section in 20 minutes. Both Tim and I became a little frantic, because even though we had been saying we were ready for the babies we weren't completely prepared. We called our family to tell them the news and within 20 minutes we had 16 family members in our room waiting anxiously for the doctor to take me away. I didn't end up going to the OR until 11:30 pm because my doctor had two c-sections scheduled before me. They pulled Baby 1 (Ryker) out at 11:59 pm and Baby 2 (Riley) out at 12:01 am.

Ryker weighed 5 lbs. 15 oz and was 19 1/4 inches long. Riley weighed 4 lbs. 3 oz and was 18 inches long. The nurses kept saying that Ryker got all the groceries. Riley had to stay in the NICU for 6 days because he was having issues digesting food. There was six set of twins in the NICU when we were there. Everyone kept referring to us as the ones with the babies that have two different birthdates or the ones with a baby in the NICU and the other one in an open crib. It is amazing how the love you feel increases even more when you meet your babies for the first time. Ryker and Riley is one of the best things that happened to me. I know Tim feels the same about all of his boys.
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