Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Day at a new school

Between Tim, Starla and I we made a decision to have Gage go to Sandcreek this year. Gage was pretty excited. I think it was more for the football team and possibly winning some games. I made some really cute scrapbook pages for their first day, but I haven't been able to upload them because the file is to big. We gave Trei the choice of continuing at Edgemont or going to Woodland Hills and Trei chose Woodland Hills. I think Trei chose Woodland for a similar reason why Gage was excited to be switching schools.

Gage is in 7th Grade at Sandcreek.
(Look at my beautiful hibiscus, behind Gage, that we transplanted last year)
Trei is in 5th grade at Woodland Hills Elementary.

1 comment:

reisnersest03 said...

I can not believe how big the boys are! I haven't seen them for so long!! You also might need to give me some lessons on the digital scrapbooking! The pages are so cute and I need help to catch up!